Parent Information

Parents, we need you! The saying goes, "it takes a village to raise a family". Band is no different! Come be apart of our Band Boosters Association! Meet new parents, see what excites your child and be involved!

We meet quarterly in the band room for General Parent Meetings. These dates will be released at Band Camp for the 2022-2023 school year.

This list contains some other items that Mr. Still would like to have for the program. It is updated monthly. If you feel led to donate, please email Mr. Still.

Willow Spring High School

Band Boosters Association

2022-2023 Executive Board & Chairpersons

Executive Board members:

President: Chris Trautman -; p. 919.622.0402

Vice President: Bo Bulger -; p. 860.338.5341

Co-Treasurer: Denise Oakley -; p. 919.285-6192

Co-Treasurer: Heather Castoe -; p. 940.300.7257

Secretary: Amanda Bulger -; p. 860.373.4297

Committee & Event Chairpersons:

Fundraising (Vice President) - Bo Bulger

Bake Sale - Bo Bulger

Dewey’s Holiday Store - Bo Bulger & Heather Castoe

Marching Show - Chris Trautman, Jerry Price & Heather Castoe

Scrip/VIC/Amazon Smile program - Maureen Gomez

Spirit Nights - Denise Oakley

Logistics & Operations (President and/or Vice President) - Chris Trautman

Construction/Improvements - Chris Trautman & Jerry Price

Fleet/Pit/Props - Chris Trautman

Travel - Jerry Price

Communications (Secretary) - Amanda Bulger

Mentor Program - OPEN

Marketing & Publicity - OPEN

Website - OPEN

Financials & Planning (Treasurer) - Denise Oakley & Heather Castoe

Budgeting - Heather Castoe

Human Resources (payroll & contracts) - Denise Oakley

Student Support (President and/or Vice President) - Chris Trautman & Bo Bulger

Chaperones - OPEN

Hospitality -OPEN

Medical -OPEN

Uniforms - Kristel Robison -